About my blog

My name is Angela and I'm a chef and a wine consultant and this blog is where I write about the all the wonderful culinary things that make me so grateful to have taste buds. Food is a non-negotiable item necessary to sustain life. Surely it deserves a special place in our lives.  For me, that means eating mindfully, eating well and including a bit of luxury at every meal.

This blog will also allow me to indulge my love of food history. Thankfully, we live in a time and place where we have so many options when it comes to all things table related, however that was not always the case.  Food has been a political, economic, industrial and social catalyst for the creation of our modern society and tracing the events that lead to how we currently eat is for me an endless treasure hunt.

I chose the name Angela's Table because in a home, the table is where meaningful conversations are had, studying is done, problems are solved and traditions are created; the table is where life happens. So I hope in this positive and welcoming space we will have meaningful conversations about food, wine, history, culture, traditions and life.

So stop by from time to time to see what I've cooked and what I've discovered and let me know what's going on at your table too.